@arriwuzhere ON-LINE!

arri or ven(both are ok!)
they / them enby
20 pan ENFP ♊ Jap/PH


Amphibiaㅤ💙💚❤ㅤㅤㅤㅤThe Owl Houseㅤ🦉ㅤㅤㅤㅤAO3🖋ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤThe Ghost & Molly McGee 👻 And other things TBA ❔ㅤㅤ


racist, homophobes, transphobes GTFO. rude people, warm weather and hot drinks.

pls send me cat pics💙💙

About Me

Hiya!! pls call me Arri or Ven, I'm an aspiring VA and newbie artists. feel free to use any pronouns or neos on me!! I frequent Ao3 and I occasionally make playlists and edits for my faves!! my current fixation is Amphibia. pls lmk if you need tone indicators.
BYF!! I livetweet the things I do sometimes, I love interacting with peeps!!, I tend to be rt-heavy so feel free to turn off rts, if you follow me, 99% of the time I'll follow back if we have similar interest

thnx vr much for reading!!

DNFI!! basic DFI criteria! if you anti any of my faves or comforts. if you don't support neopronouns or any pronoun lesbians, pansexuality. 18+(smut/gore) accounts. -12 & 23+(current moots ok)